Internship Report: Recent submissions

  • Rasheduzzaman, Md. (CSE04906386) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-05-14)
    We all know about the social network but there is one social site which represents Bangladeshand their Culture, Education, Sports, Soil, Media, Technology etc. Both educated and uneducated people, teenagers, adults, ...
  • Hasan, Kamrul (CSE 04806362); Akhter, Tanzila (CSE 04806338) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-09-07)
    Modern world are adopting Information Technology very fast. We are not so behind on that part, so our country also tries to adopt the technology with the outer world. Internet is the main weapon to communicate with the ...
  • Meshkatozzaman Bhuiyan, Md. (CSE 04806379); Tanvir Islam, Kazi (CSE 04806369) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-09-07)
    The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic Commerce (e-commerce) is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online. This project deals ...
  • Kumar Mondal, Rony (CSE 04706286); Fazley Rabbi, Md. ( CSE 04706283) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-09-07)
    Question bank is basically a storage of numerous questions which has been used by the teacher to set the question paper or by the learner to get an idea of question types those are being set on any individual subject ...
  • NAHAR, NAZMUN (CSE 05006445); RATNA, HUMAIRA AKTER JAHAN (CSE 05006436) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-11-05)
    The Online Restaurant Management System provides convenience for the customers. It overcomes the disadvantages of the traditional queuing system. This system increases the takeaway of foods than visitors. Therefore, this ...
  • Rana, Md. Mashud (CSE 05106476); Ferdausi, Jannatul (CSE 05106482) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-11)
    Biometrics technology is rapidly progressing and offers attractive opportunities. In recent years, biometric authentication has grown in popularity as a means of personal identification in ATM authentication systems. ...
  • Hossain, Sabbir (CSE 04806340) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-11)
    Point of sale systems up the profits by improving transaction accuracy. Such systems generate detailed sales reports means small business owners can identify which items bring in the highest profits and which are ...
  • Mohanta, Utpal Chandra (CSE 04906421) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-11)
    SYN flooding attack is a threat that has been designed based on vulnerabilities of the connection establishment phase of the TCP protocol. In this attack, some sources send a large number of TCP SYN segments, without ...
  • SAHA, AVIJIT (CSE 05106541) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-10)
    The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online. This project deals ...
  • Biswas, Tomal (CSE 04806348) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-11-05)
    Health Care is basically an android application which has been used to book an online appointment. This application based on online doctor appointment booking system. This application is user friendly simple, fast and ...
  • Monjorul Islam, Syed (CSE 04906419); Shumiya, khanom (CSE 04906426) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-05-04)
    The world day by day the by contribution of internet. Now we are using internet in every steps of our life. In a world internet is the main weapon to communicate with the outer world. Like others our country is going to ...
  • Alam, Md Junaeid (CSE 04806324) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2016-04)
    Nowadays it is obvious that speakers can be identified from their voices. In this work we look into the details of speaker identification from the real-time system point of view. Firstly, we review the well-known techniques ...
  • JAHIRUL ISLAM, MD (CSE05106546); AKTER, HALIMA (CSE05106564) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-08-02)
    This thesis demonstrated the Fire Extinguisher and Video Recording Quad Copter activities. It’s mainly controlled by Flight Controller and move remotely. The Quad copter can achieve vertical flight in a stable manner and ...
  • Ayubi, Sabbir Ahmed (CSE 05006471) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-07)
    In several countries, including our own, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) is of particular importance in heart disease as well as time and ...
  • Habibur Rahman, Md. (CSE 04906400) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-07-01)
    The Distance Learning becomes important, because it gives the user the comfortable and easy way for learning various programming language from home . The implementation and design of new software, apk, ios is spreading all ...
  • Ashraf Uz Zaman, Mohd. (CSE 05006454); Rony, Rafiqul Hasan (CSE 05006429) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-07-02)
    Smart homes are no longer design concepts of the future. They are being built now and they are having a direct impact on the lifestyles of people living in them. An improved home automation system that permits the user ...
  • Debnath, Pritoma (CSE05106506) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-08-02)
    An Internship report on “User Id Request Processing System of National Bank Limited IT Division” submitted by Pritoma Debnath ID: CSE05106506 to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering has been accepted as ...
  • Siddiki, Md Noor E Alam (CSE 05206578); Mahmud Hasan, Md (CSE 05206579) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-07-02)
    Searching for the frequent pattern within a specific genetic sequence has become a much needed task in the bioinformatics sector. Most recent works are based on Apriori algorithm, GSP, MacroVspan etc. techniques. However, ...
  • Gain, Uzzal Kumar (CSE 05206576) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2017-08-02)
    During my internship period of Social Islami Bank Ltd. I have investigated opportunities where technology could be effectively used. If a technology strategically fit the company’s technology and business objectives, I ...
  • Tabassum, Maliha (CSE 05306712) (Stamford University Bangladesh, 2018-01-02)
    My internship period at Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd has provided me the opportunity and experience in database based system management and configuration.Database system are being developed day by day. In this report I described ...

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