Question bank is basically a storage of numerous questions which has been used by the teacher
to set the question paper or by the learner to get an idea of question types those are being set on
any individual subject examination. This project is faculty member oriented based, where only
the teachers can set questions by using this system. Moreover, this question paper format is
based on the examination system of Stamford University Bangladesh, so that, the generated
question paper is as the format of Mid/Final examination paper of Stamford University
Bangladesh CSE Faculty. That is, total four sets of questions, each set carries ten marks. To use
this automatic question generator system, one faculty has to register first and get approval by the
admin. The admin and faculty members can add more questions in any specific subject/course.
The courses are being added by the admin. The questions are generated randomly based on the
storage of questionnaires of the respective course. After question generation user can download
the pdf format of the question and get a print of it.