Banking sector of our country is playing an important role in our economic situation. There are a large number of banks operating in our country successfully. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited was established with a dream and a vision to become a pioneer banking institution of the country and contribute signifi¬cantly to the growth of the national economy. General Banking Department is the base of a bank. A bank’s profitability and success largely depends on how it can effectively manage the General Banking Department. Interacting with the customers in both positive and mannered way gets maximum priority to the executives. This report I have studied the overall procedure of General Banking in Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited and analyzed various bank’s accounts, pay-order, deposit of cheque, withdrawal of money by various cheques or atm card, cheque requisitions, ATM card requisitions, remittances. The Bank follows the guidelines provided by Bangladesh Bank. It does export import related transaction mainly for the garments sector and the remittances are concentrated in urban areas of Dhaka and Chittagong.
In this report I have focused customer satisfaction on general banking system of BCBL by organizing 7 chapters on following headings Chapter 1.Orientation of the report, Chapter 2.An overview of banking sector in Bangladesh, Chapter 3.Overview of the organization, Chapter 4.General Banking procedure of BCBL, Chapter 5.Assessment of internship, Chapter 6.Report Analysis and Findings, Chapter 7.Recommendation & Conclusion.
In the 1st and 2nd chapter I have discussed the significance, objective of the report and banking history in Bangladesh. In the 3rd chapter I tried to give relevant information about BCBL to prepare this report. After arranging a sampling plan and analyzing customer feedback on BCBL’s general banking performance and service, I have got quite satisfactory result from customer perspective about BCBL general banking system focused on chapter 4 and 6.And in last chapter of report I tried to give my opinion as recommendation about some minor loopholes I found during my internship period