Report of Measure of Customer Satisfaction of Trust Bank has been prepared as a partial requirement of my BBA program. I was employed as an intern as Trust Bank Limited from 15th September to 30th December, 2009. Today necessity of a Bank as a financial institution is undeniable. A country is financially rich when it has modern financial institutions of its own. These institutions play a vital role in the field of financial stability of a country. Banking sector is one of the stable financial institutions of a country. Due to globalization and Technological changes, the banking business has become very competitive now a day. All banks are competing to give effective real time service to their customer. For giving friendly service to the customer they need experienced and well-educated working force.
The overall approach of the report is a Descriptive one as it goes into the depth of service quality of Trust Bank Ltd. Here both primary and secondary information were used. Interview was the basic techniques comply to collect primary data from any people within the organization. Information about the varieties of activities within the Correspondent Banking Department was collected through interviewed. Among the secondary sources to collect data regarding the company’s performance over the past nine years are publications, Annual reports of Trust Bank Ltd, Different circular and papers of Trust Bank Ltd, Term paper of TBL Training manual, Banking Lecture sheet within the organization helped me to gather data about the organization.
The report contains different part. The first part of the report describes the introductory words of the internship report in which Introduction of Topics, Background of the report, Origin of the Report, Scope of the report, Objectives of the Report, Methodology and Limitation of the report. The 3rd chapter contains Company Overview.
Based on the study, findings in different departments and performance evolution of TBL have come in the next part. In general banking department, the banking procedure is fully computerized, cash counter is congested, and introducers is one of the problems to open a new account etc. The loans and advance department takes a long time to process a loan.
Different problem, suggestion, recommendation have come at the end of the report. The problem findings during the three-month long internship period and suggestions are given from observation, comparative analysis, strategic point of view etc. To increase the efficiency in customer service Trust Bank Ltd, should try to develop the process of providing services.
Trust Bank Ltd has passed a long way since it is providing services. Already it has earned a strong positioned in the field of customer service. To continue to hold the position and be perfect in this sector it will have to keep more and more attention to the customer retention and development.