The Fact of a civil suit is based on its pleadings. The statement of a party is described through pleadings, either by plaintiff or by defendant. Pleadings means the manner though which the case incident develops. All pleadings are the products of claims and counter claims of parties. Pleadings must be clear and must narrate the prima-facie case, where the law peeps. All pleadings lead to the case incident with a claim or with an adverse claim. As such pleadings must be done on material point of a case incident, over which law dictates and gives clear findings. All pleadings should be done with care and diligence. Pleadings are the inner voice of parties in litigation. Pleadings lead to speak the injury and loss added with claim and counter claim sustained by law. Pleadings are the inner voice of a party in litigation. Pleadings are called the peeping of facts in a case matter with cause of action.