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LifeCycle: A Blood Donation Management App

Show simple item record Mizi, Abdus Samad (CSE 04906389) 2019-11-07T07:01:00Z 2019-11-07T07:01:00Z 2017-11-09
dc.description.abstract LifeCycle is an android mobile app. It helps needy patients to search blood donors and manage blood easily in their city or area. Users can search donors from their current location or any other location in Bangladesh. According to their preferred distance, available nearest donors will be shown on map or lists. Then users can send blood request to donors and nearest donors will receive notification about the request. Upon acceptance the requester will receive return notification with donor phone number and other details. Besides, users can send blood request to admin, see blood requests’ status, write to doctor, call hotline number in emergency situation, search doctor/hospital in their city or area, chat live with admins, share photos while donating blood and, change donation availability. Additionally, there are two other interface for doctors and admins. This app connects blood donors and patients ensuring easy communication. We noticed people looking for blood donors by social media or mobile which sometimes fails to manage blood in time. LifeCycle ensures reliability and several options for patients to manage blood. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Stamford University Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject Blood Donation Management App en_US
dc.title LifeCycle: A Blood Donation Management App en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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