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An Internship Report On Information Technology Division Of Social Islami Bank Limited

Show simple item record Gain, Uzzal Kumar (CSE 05206576) 2019-04-04T07:00:57Z 2019-04-04T07:00:57Z 2017-08-02
dc.description.abstract During my internship period of Social Islami Bank Ltd. I have investigated opportunities where technology could be effectively used. If a technology strategically fit the company’s technology and business objectives, I recommended ways to integrate and commercialize it. The technologies I investigated were at various stages of development: some are available today but others are one to two years away from being commercially available. This report describe s new and evolving technologies that can enhance the performance of existing tools or aid in the development of a new generation of tools at SIBL. Which gather my knowledge about banking IT division. I have successfully completed my internship as a member of an “information technology Division”. I worked as a technology operator with great joy and confidence. For this reason I always tried to support remote user and also local user. In this work I am able to manage Network Connectivity, Hardware troubleshooting, Data recovery, Internal Communication, Antivirus setup, Virus scan, Open office, Internet phone connection or Configuration, Printer setup, Scanner, Ups etc. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Stamford University Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject Information Technology en_US
dc.title An Internship Report On Information Technology Division Of Social Islami Bank Limited en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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