The Soil is one of the key elements that affect the crop growth and yields during the entire agricultural cycle starting from seeding to harvesting. Farmers are well aware of the importance of prior knowledge of soil conditions and its crop specific suitability, but they generally lack the tool to measure and manage the variations in soil characteristics more precisely. To solve this kind of problem our research is about to measurements of soil temperature, humidity and CO2 gases present at soil. We propose a device that is able to monitor the soil temperature, humidity and CO2 and at the same time gives result that is collected from input. This device named Automated Soil temparature, humidity and CO2 detection system gives real time data of the soil temperature, humidity and Co2. It has one temperature sensor, one CO2 sensor and one humidity sensor which is assembled with these multiple sensors operated by AVR microcontroller unit (MCU).It gathers the reading in signals from various sensors and identifies the amount of temperature, humidity and CO2 gases of soil. Here the parameters are converted into data values by means of Arduino Mega Microcontroller. And these values get stored and used on future prediction for measuring soil quality .This research paper presents how this system is built, components and device diagram and future scope. Overall performance is evaluated through experimental tests by getting the real time temperature amount, humidity amount or CO2 amount in soil to investigate reliability.